Friends of the Parsonage
The Old Parsonage is a Grade 2 listed building, bequeathed to the people of Manchester by Fletcher Moss in 1919.
This historic building has been lovingly restored by the Didsbury Parsonage Trust and is now a valuable and much-loved community space, open to all. In the spirit of Fletcher Moss, we aim to continue to preserve the house for future generations.
If you would like to become a Friend of the Parsonage and support this special community hub by donating regularly, you can set up payments here . You can also set up a regular Standing Order to The Didsbury Parsonage. Please call 0161 445 7661 to discuss.
All donations received go towards maintaining and improving the building and supporting the various community activities and event at the Parsonage.
Previous donors include:
Past donations from those listed below have allowed us to renovate and repair the building, and equip it with the furniture and IT needed to open it to the public - thank you!
£56,500 from the Heritage Lottery Fund
£2,000 from the Co-op
£1350 from Manchester Airport
£250 from the Lord Lieutenant's Office of Lancashire
£22,000 from Manchester City Council Cash Grants Scheme
£50,000+ from individual donations
£500 from United Utilities
Over £11,000 from local businesses
Interested in volunteering?
We have a pool of volunteers who help with various community events, in a variety of roles. If you would like to join us, please get in touch.